
She worked together with Ideal Sanchez, Manuel Moraña, Aurelio Macchi and at Juan Doffo
and Sara Delpino's ateliers.
From 1980 to 1986 participated in several individual and collective exhibitions in Argentina and Brazil
In l988 she lived in France where she started to work on computer platforms.  

Several authors referred to her digital artworks in the following articles and essays:

-“Un arma mas para el arte" - Albino Dieguez Videla. Arte y Antigüedades Año 9-Nº 26-1996
-“Nuevas herramientas para el arte de siempre
- Apple news - año IV- Nº 15-

-"Maria Rebeca Peña desafia a los fantasmas" - Ofelia Funes- Arte y Antiguedades-Año 11- Nº 34 –1998



- March 2007- ARTEXPO New York- Buenos Aires Open Art

- November 2006.- Expotrastienda- Buenos Aires Open Art

- May 2005 - ArteClasica 2005 - Galeria Buenos Aires Open Art

- April 2004 - Galería Neo Gallery. "El Zodiaco". Digital artworks.

- February 2001 - Death and the Maiden. Theatre Intime ( Hamilton Murray Theater) Princeton University Campus.
   N. J. EEUU. Invited to exhibit digital artworks

- November 2000 -Digital Artworks : World Fine Art Gallery. New York.

- August 2000 -MNBA Selected for MNBA/Prodaltec de Arte Digital Award Selected for
  " 1er Festival y Concurso de Arte Digital "- Web magazine   Arte al DIA -”

- ArteBa 99 - Oil paintings and digital artworks

- November 1998 - “Memorias “(Digital Art) Centro Cultural Recoleta -1999 Oil paintings and digital artworks
   Galería Forma

- October 1999 - Selected for the Siggraph Digital Art Contest, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

- November 1998 -“Memorias “(Digital Art) Centro Cultural Recoleta

- ArteBA 98 - Invited by Fondo Nacional de las Artes to the "I Bienal de Grabado Nacional" where she exhibited
  digital artworks and co- created others with the event visitors

- November 1998 -exhibition “Memorias” (digital artworks) Centro Cultural Recoleta

- ArteBa 97 - she took part in several digital artworks

- 1996 - exhibition in Clásica y Moderna : artworks “Grabados por computadora” sponsored by Apple and introduced
 by Albino Dieguez Videla.


References about her artworks in:

“Un arma mas para el arte” Albino Dieguez Videla. Arte y Antigüedades Año 9-Nº 26-1996

“Nuevas herramientas para el arte de siempre”-Apple news - año IV- Nº 15-

"Maria Rebeca Peña desafía a los fantasmas" Ofelia Funes- Arte y Antigüedades- Año 11- Nº 34 –1998

Other exhibitions:

          1980 -"Arte de Bolsillo - Galería Kristel. Colectiva
1981 -"Homenajes"- individual exhibition. Galería Kristel
1982  -“Trayectorias creativas” Hoy en el Arte. Colectiva
-"Mitologías"- individual exhibition Galería Cascalles.
1983 -“De mayor a menor”- acrilics -Galería Kristel- individual. Vidal
1986 -“Mitologías 2 “-Galería Evergreen- acrilics -individual exhibition. Brazil .
Sponsored by Consulado de la  República Argentina in San Pablo.
