Nationality: argentine |
Drawing and painting ( Prof. Judith Stolar, Taller Maria Luisa Manassero, Asociación Estímulo Bellas Artes)( 1972-1984)
Architecture (Facultad
de diseño ,arquitectura y urbanismo) ( Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires) (
University Diploma:
Lic. in History of Arts ( UBA) (
1987 )
Prof. in History of Arts (1987)
Film & Computer Animation studies and multimedia ( Amiga,Macintosh,Silicon
Graphics platforms) ( 1987-1999 )
Film & Computer ANIMATION studies
Film Animation , C.E.C.I.C.O. (april/december 1988)
Computer cartoons, CECODAL(Centro de Comunicación y Desarrollo Alternativo) (july/december 1989)
Advanced Studies
Animation, Prof Susana Tozzi, Foro de Cine, Centro Cultural Gral. San Martín (december,1988)
Graphic Computers,Prof. Claudio Cavallo. "De la imaginación a la producción", organized by Círculo de Creativos Argentinos, Centro Cultural Gral. San Martín (september,1990)
"Cartoons and Advertising", by CATU
organized by Círculo de Creativos (april,1991)
Computer Animations on SILICON GRAPHICS, organized by SOFTIMAGE , Universidad de Belgrano (july,1993)
SILICON GRAPHICS, software SOFTIMAGE (3D & EDDIE), organized by SOFTIMAGE and SVC (may,1995)
NEW MEDIA FORUM, organized by MACROMEDIA, ADOBE,FRACTAL,WACOM and HSC. ( october, 1995)
Festival Internacional de Arte Electrónico SIGGRAPH (Buenos Aires) (october 1999)
National & International Online
net -art , festivals, museums, e-magazines
Digital Art Exhibition, Ciudad Internet ( 1999 )
e-magazine INTERLECTO (2001)
online exhibition TERRENOCULTO (Barcelona-España)
(2002) and w3art-España
international exhibition Watershed-Net_Working
(New Media Centre Research-University of West England ,for annual chart of
London British Academy
(2001) & 4th international conference of New Media Bangkok. (2001)
IMMA online
Irish Museum of Modern Art.
Experimental video and new media artists
(march 2002)
FREE BIENNAL, New York ( april 2002 )
Time Based Research
Cardiff School of Art & Design
University of Wales Institute Cardiff
(may 2002)
"Yourself" (Autoritratto)
Sesto Senso, Bologna ( july 2002 )
"Selfportrait" exhibition,
Virtual Memorial .org ( july 2002 )
FREE MANIFESTA ( MANIFESTA 4, Frankfurt, may-august 2002)
LIVERPOOL BIENNAL Liberarti.org (september, 2002)
Contemporary Art Museum, Instambul ( sept.,2002)
HEXA net-project,media-city Seoul ( october,,2002)
Paula Cordova- Digital Art & Multimedia ,included in
NETZWISSENSCHAFT net art directory
directed by Reinhold Grether (Germany) ( 2002 )
ARTMEDIA 2002, Universidad de Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina ( november, 2002)
JAVAMUSEUM -latin net art ( 2003 )
WEB BIENNAL 2003 - Contemporary Art Museum, Instambul ( 2003 )
University of British Columbia( april, 2003 )
Bienal INTERACTIVA 03, Mérida ,MEXICO ( 2003)
Festival de Arte Digital ROSARIO, Argentina (2003)
DIGITALSUR, Rosario, Argentina (august 2003)
Golden Web Award
( years 2002 and 2003 )
International Association of Webmasters and Designers
I-WEB Award (España-june 2003)
Canada Graphics Golden Award ( 2003)
Art Space 2002 Award
Gold Artsy Award (2004)
Circe's Gold Award of Excellence (2004)
Art Space 2004- 2005 Award
Gold Kara Art Award ( 2006)
( TV, Radio, Magazines )
TV programme "ARTEWEB",
Canal A, Argentina produced by PRAMER fo Latin America
( june, 2002)
Radio programme,web art section,
Radio 3, "Fluido Rosa Café -chill out" ( october 2002)
interview programa Fluido Rosa . Radio 3,Radio Nacional de España (april 2003)
Artworks included in: